Scout Camp Jobs
A job board powered by Scout Life magazine.
Find a camp job with just a few clicks
You need a job. Scouting America needs eligible candidates to staff its summer camps and high-adventure bases. It’s our goal to match these two needs together. Use the Scout Camp Jobs board to find a job at a Scouting America camp near you … or far away, whichever you prefer. Minimum age will vary, but most local camps are looking to hire youth ages 15 or 16 and up, while the high-adventure bases need ages 18 and higher. Responsibilities vary, as does the required level of experience.
Resident Naturalist
Western Los Angeles County CouncilCamp Emerald Bay, Catalina Island, California -
Outdoor Instructor (ALGAE: Archery, Lifeguard, and Assistant Educator)
Western Los Angeles County CouncilCamp Emerald Bay, Catalina Island, California -
Program Staff
Indian Waters CouncilCamp Barstow, Lake Murray, SC -
Outdoor Skills/Scoutcraft Director
Indian Waters CouncilCamp Barstow, Lake Murray, SC -
Technology Director
Indian Waters CouncilCamp Barstow, Lake Murray, SC -
Ecology Director
Indian Waters CouncilCamp Barstow, Lake Murray, SC -
Summer Program Director
Indian Waters CouncilCamp Barstow, Lake Murray, SC -
Counselor-In-Training (CIT), Volunteer Staff
Golden Empire Council #47 (Sacramento)Camp Winton, Lower Bear River Reservoir, Amador County -
Program Staff
Golden Empire Council #47 (Sacramento)Camp Winton, Lower Bear River Reservoir, Amador County -
Handicraft Director
Golden Empire Council #47 (Sacramento)Camp Winton, Lower Bear River Reservoir, Amador County